Tips on working from home

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Working from home was never something we saw ourselves doing. With it being conditioned into our brains from a young age that being successful meant working in an office full time, we hadn’t quite prepared ourselves for the world of self employment and working from home.

But, alas, here we are, and we are LOVING it. Though we wouldn’t say it’s for everyone, and if you’re naturally someone that requires a lot of motivation and a kick up the bum when it comes to work, then we probably wouldn’t recommend the life of working from home.

But if, like us, you love what you do and are willing to make it work at all costs, here are our top tips on self employment, working from home, and how we also ensure that we create a work/home life balance. It isn’t always easy.

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Make room for an office

This might sound really simple and obvious, but it really is important to have a separate space away from where you spend your time socialising to really make a clear divide between home and work life. It also allows you to literally close the door on work when your working day is over.

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Make meal times important

If you were working in an office, your tea breaks and lunch breaks would be something you hugely look forward to. It’s no different when working from home. Don’t allow yourself to sit behind the computer all day without any breaks, that isn’t healthy. Break up your days and even organise to meet people for lunch if and when you can, it can really help boost morale.

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Attend Events

It’s easy to think that working for home is full of perks, but in all reality it can become very lonely as you aren’t interacting with people face-to-face on a daily basis. By accepting and attending events it not only gives you a change of scenery, but an opportunity to meet like-minded people, network and come away with potential new friends (and sometimes a goodiebag too)

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Write to-do lists

It can be extremely easy to over or under work. Either of which will not benefit your business in the long run. At the start of the week write yourself achievable to-do lists that need to get done (within reason). When the list is completed, give yourself time off; you deserve it.

When overworked your quality of work can become compromised, and that is never something that you should aspire to happen when putting your head on the line. Value your time and spend it wisely, but also give yourself time to re-coup.

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Working hours

Set yourself a time frame during the day that you want to work. It doesn’t have to be conventional 9-5 but as long as you’re content with what hours you are putting in, you’re most likely to be more productive and turn your business into the best it can be.

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Be a real person.

Just because they are your clients does not mean that you cannot have a conversation. Bring out your own personality when in meetings and over emails. This will turn every-day, mundane admin into something you look forward to completing. You’re most likely to get a good response back too. We are all human after-all.

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Let us know your top tips from working from home!

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